The Michael Benny Foundation

Undertakes, develops and supports major initiatives in advanced education, animal well-being and youth zoological education.

About The Michael Benny Foundation

Welcome to the Michael Benny Foundation

The Michael Benny Foundation undertakes, develops and supports major initiatives in the areas of advanced education, animal well-being and youth zoological educational programs throughout Canada.

The Michael Benny Foundation

An Awards program for Civil Engineering students at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology.

The Michael Benny Foundation

A Legacy Fund at the Calgary Zoological Society in support of the Zoo Share program, the Empty Backpack program and other Humane Education programs.

The Michael Benny Foundation

A Legacy Fund at the Calgary Humane Society which provides ongoing support to the ongoing Humane Education programs.

Donate to The Michael Benny Foundation

Charitable Donation Registration 79788 1919 RR0001

What’s New at the Michael Benny Foundation

June 1, 2024

Dear Donors, Friends, and Colleagues,

We are extremely proud to advise that in May 2024 we provided 2 – $5,000 Student Awards to two outstanding students: Mr. Tony Ly from Lethbridge, Alberta and Mr. Derrick Leung from Calgary, Alberta. Mr. Ly achieved a remarkable 4.0 Grade Point Average and Mr. Leung achieved an amazing 3.97 Grade Point Average. Both are excited about advancing and sharing their new skills in the Civil Engineering field.

During their studies at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology – Civil Engineering Technology program, these Award recipients worked on a Team project that they believe may have created the right mix of concrete and graphene to combat the City of Calgary’s growing sidewalk deterioration problem, due to freeze-thaw cycles.

Click here to see the video of CTV’s media broadcast acknowledging this noteworthy achievement.

Both recipients have graciously provided testimonials for posting on the Michael Benny Foundation website. Please take a moment to see what they have to say at here.

It’s been some time since my last MBF Update in October 2023. A lot has happened since then, and with the uptick in employment opportunities, we are hoping things have eased for our young people and that they are able to take advantage of these opportunities for change or to embark on a new career path. We also hope that our Student Awards have made a difference in supporting our recipients move forward with their goals and dreams.

We held our AGM on May 23, 2024 and the Board of Directors agreed to continue our partnership with SAIT by committing our SIXTH Annual Student Awards Gift of $10,000 by offering 2 – $5,000 Student Awards to be given out in May 2025. We are also continuing to build our Legacy Fund portfolios for the Calgary Humane Society and the Calgary Zoo. With facilities and operations returning to normal last year, new and exciting opportunities for our children and young adults are being offered by the Calgary Humane Society and the Calgary Zoo again in 2024. We are proud to remain a part of making dreams come true for these families!

At the Michael Benny Foundation we value the outpouring of support from each of you over the last few years as well as during uncertain times. We remember how a community of people like you from Vancouver to Calgary to Toronto and everywhere in between, came together to show your commitment to helping young adults. You made it possible to provide learning opportunities to our students at SAIT by supporting our Civil Engineering Technology Awards Program. We are hopeful that your support continues for many years to come.

Perhaps last year marked your first donation to the MBF: as a monthly supporter or loyal donor; or if you were unable to make a gift to the MBF last year but have been a past supporter, we remember your generosity and hope that you are able to donate this year.

With summer on its way, it’s almost time for our children and young adults to visit their favourite places with friends and family, and to take time to enjoy just being a kid. Some of our children will dream and wish about being able to attend some of the social programs being offered at the Calgary Humane Society or the Calgary Zoo. Some of our young adults will search for employment opportunities and ways to develop their employment skills and attributes, as well as saving enough funds to return to their chosen educational facility. Some will undoubtedly be faced with some form of financial hardship and may choose to remain in the workforce. For students who choose to enter or return to SAIT, it may be finding a place to live; or wondering how to continue their studies upon graduation; or wondering what career opportunities they will have upon graduation.

The MBF would be honoured if you would consider an investment in the MBF through a donation to the future of ourstudents and young people. When considering making your donation, please remember that 100% of your investment goes towards our Student Awards gift to SAIT. Alternately, it can be put in one of our Legacy Funds for future endeavours. Please remember that all Administration of the MBF is funded entirely by our Directors.

The following link to our website provides more information on the MBF, including Student Award recipients’ testimonials, as well as CRA approved online links to make your donation by credit card. Should you choose this option, Charitable Donations Tax Receipts will be issued directly by the service provider. If you are sending your donation by mail, your Charitable Donations Tax Receipt will be sent to you from the MBF in early February 2025.

Thank you so much for your support. STAY SAFE and HEALTHY. BE HAPPY and remember to SMILE.

Michael Benny, President

Michael Benny
Michael Benny Foundation

May 24, 2024

Dear Donors, Friends, and Colleagues,

The Michael Benny Foundation Recently had our Annual General Meeting on May 23, 2024.

Our 2023 MBF Financial Statements are now available!

Michael Benny
Michael Benny Foundation

October 15, 2023

Dear Donors, Friends, and Colleagues,

At the Michael Benny Foundation we remain extremely thankful for your donations and are grateful and proud to remember the generosity and support received from each of you. We understand the hardship some might be having with inflation still running rampant and rising interest rates.

Unfortunately, our lower income earners, students and families continue to struggle with finding accommodations with rents skyrocketing and mortgages almost unattainable. Many are facing the hardships of making ends meet these days with the price of food up over 20%, and with homelessness constantly increasing in some of our major cities.

Please take a few minutes to reflect on what it was like when you were a kid or a student, or just married and thinking about starting a family. The times when our parents struggled to make ends meet to give us an education, and the times when we needed to find a second job to make our life better. Perhaps you debated about sending your kids to day camps or going on a short field trip knowing you really couldn’t afford it – but did it anyway. Together, we can remove barriers to access, promote social inclusion and provide magical moments for those who need them most.

Another thing we can do together is continue to show our support by providing learning opportunities for our young adults at SAIT by supporting our Civil Engineering Technology Awards Program. As a footnote, we at the MBF are extremely proud of our Award recipients and particularly two of our recent Award recipients. One has recently graduated from Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario and received his Degree in Engineering and another has enrolled at Lakehead University this semester to pursue his dream of achieving his Degree in Engineering. In the middle of all these challenges, we hope that we have helped these young adults embark on their education adventure positively.

Our Board of Directors is proud to advise that we have committed another $10,000 gift to SAIT by offering 2 – $5,000 Student Awards to be given out in May 2024. This is our FIFTH consecutive year of providing this gift. We couldn’t have done this without your continued support and generous donations.

We are also continuing to build our Legacy Fund portfolios for the Calgary Humane Society and the Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo. With the reopening of additional facilities this summer, new and exciting opportunities for our children and young adults are being offered by the Calgary Humane Society and the Wilder Institute/Calgary Zoo. We are grateful to be a part of making dreams come true for these families.

Perhaps 2023 marked your first donation to the MBF; as a monthly supporter or loyal donor; or if you were unable to make a gift to the MBF last year but have been a past supporter, we will forever remember your generosity. If you are like me, you probably have been inundated with donation requests from various organizations. When considering making your donation to whatever charitable organization you may choose, please remember that 100% of your investment to the MBF goes towards our Student Awards gift to SAIT. Alternately, it can be put in one of our Legacy Funds for future endeavours. Please remember that all Administration costs associated with the MBF are funded entirely by our Directors.

The following link to our website provides more information on the MBF, including Student Award recipients’ testimonials, as well as CRA approved online links to make your donation by credit card. Should you choose this option, Charitable Donations Tax Receipts will be issued directly by the service provider. If you are sending your donation by mail, your Charitable Donations Tax Receipt will be sent to you from the MBF in early February 2024.

I wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS, HEALTHY and HAPPY NEW YEAR. Thank you so much for your support. STAY SAFE and remember to SMILE.

Michael Benny
Michael Benny Foundation

June 12, 2023

Dear Donors, Friends, and Colleagues.

We are extremely proud to advise that again in May 2023 we provided 2 – $5,000 Student Awards to two outstanding students: Ms. Skye Lawlor and Mr. Ryan LaFountain.

Both these graduating students achieved a remarkable 4.0 Grade Point Average and are excited about advancing and sharing their new skills in the Civil Engineering field.

It’s been some time since my last MBF Update in November 2022. A lot has happened since then, and with the uptick in our Canadian economy I’m hoping things have settled down in your lives. We are hoping that our Student Awards have made a difference in helping our recipients move forward with their goals and dreams.

We held our AGM on May 26, 2023, and the Board of Directors agreed to continue our partnership with SAIT by committing our Fifth Annual Student Awards Gift of $10,000 by offering 2 – $5,000 Student Awards to be given out in May 2024. We are also continuing to build our Legacy Fund portfolios for the Calgary Humane Society and the Calgary Zoo. With facilities and operations returning to normal last year, new and exciting opportunities for our children and young adults are being offered by the Calgary Humane Society and the Calgary Zoo in 2023. We are proud to remain a part of making dreams come true for these families.

At the Michael Benny Foundation we remember the outpouring of support from each of you over the last few years and during uncertain times. We remember how a community of people like you from Vancouver to Calgary to Toronto and everywhere in between came together to show your commitment to helping young adults. You made it possible to provide learning opportunities to our students at SAIT by supporting our Civil Engineering Technology Awards Program. We are hopeful that this support continues as do our Award Recipients and future Award Recipients.

Perhaps 2022 marked your first donation to the MBF: as a monthly supporter or loyal donor; or if you were unable to make a gift to the MBF last year but have been a past supporter, we will remember your generosity and hope that you will be able to make a donation this year.

With summer on its way, it’s almost time for our children and young adults to visit their favourite places with friends and family and take time to enjoy just being a kid. Some of our children will dream and wish about being able to attend some of the social programs being offered at the Calgary Humane Society or the Calgary Zoo. Some of our young adults will search for employment opportunities and ways to develop their employment skills and attributes, as well as saving enough funds to return to their chosen educational facility. Some will undoubtedly be faced with some form of financial hardship and may choose to remain in the workforce. For students choosing to enter or return to SAIT, it may be finding a place to live; or wondering how to continue their studies upon graduation; or wondering what career opportunities they will have upon graduation. Our Board of Directors is proud to continue our 2 – $5,000 Student Awards at SAIT and continue to build our Legacy Program in Partnership with the Calgary Humane Society and the Calgary Zoo. We can’t do this without your continued support and generous donations.

The MBF would be honoured if you would consider an investment in the MBF through a donation to the future of ourstudents and young people. When considering making your donation, please remember that 100% of your investment goes towards our Student Awards gift to SAIT. Alternately, it can be put in one of our Legacy Funds for future endeavours. Please remember that all Administration of the MBF is funded entirely by our Directors.

The following link to our website provides more information on the MBF, including Student Award recipients’ testimonials, as well as CRA approved online links to make your donation by credit card. Should you choose this option, Charitable Donations Tax Receipts will be issued directly by the service provider. If you are sending your donation by mail, your Charitable Donations Tax Receipt will be sent to you from the MBF in early February 2024.

Thank you so much for your support. STAY SAFE and HEALTHY. BE HAPPY and remember to SMILE.

Michael Benny
Michael Benny Foundation

© Copyright 2024- MichaelBennyFoundation