Recipients of endeavours that the Michael Benny Foundation supports, are appreciated by reward recipients.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the Michael Benny Foundation for selecting me for the 2023/2024 award. This award represents a milestone for me and will serve as a reminder of the incredible journey I have taken and the many challenges I have overcome to get to where I am today. Choosing to take the Civil Engineering Technology program at SAIT was one of the most important decisions I have ever made. Prior to the program I worked across a number of different industries including a non-profit organization for several years. Through my many experiences I was able to refine my skills and develop a passion to help those in need. It was at this point I had the desire to be able to do more, to be able to help shape communities, and create something that will be sustainable and last for generations to come.
I chose the Civil Engineering Technology program as it provided me the foundation to achieve these goals and an opportunity to grow as an individual and as a leader. During the program I excelled in classes I never dreamed of having the capacity of understanding, I volunteered as an English Conversation Partner and a Peer Tutor to help my fellow classmates succeed, and I led the “City of Calgary Graphene Sidewalks” capstone project with the intention to better our community. With this award presented by the Michael Benny Foundation, it helps solidify my resolve and a reassurance that I am where I need to be right now. Without this generous award, I would not be able to continue to pursue my dream to help build a better tomorrow, thank you.
I would like to express my gratitude to the Michael Benny Foundation for selecting me for the 2023/2024 award.
I am originally from Lethbridge Alberta, where I had a 7 year career in the banking industry. After COVID I decided I wanted a change and enrolled in the Civil Engineering Technology program
My hope as a Civil Engineering Technologist is to contribute projects that have a positive impact on the community.
This award will go a long way in contributing to my journey in this industry and I appreciate it very much.
Thank you Michael Benny Foundation!

Receiving this award is so meaningful to me because it is a recognition of the hard work and determination it takes to complete the CVT program.

Having spent most of my adult life in northern BC working in forestry and adventuring in the mountains I decided to make a change to pursue a lifelong goal of becoming an engineer. I may have taken a somewhat roundabout route by doing the technologist diploma first but I believe the hands-on learning will make me a better engineer in the long run. This award will go a long way in helping me achieve this goal as I continue studying at Lakehead University.

This award and the recognition are so meaningful to me. Thank you so much Michael Benny Foundation.

Thank you, Michael Benny Foundation, for selecting me to receive this award!

During COVID I decided I needed a career change which led me to the Civil Engineering Program at SAIT. Returning to school as a mature student was difficult. It is awards like this one that allowed me to succeed. It contributed to success not only in my studies but also allowed me to be present the SAIT community, specifically in the Civil Engineering Technology Club.

My advice to anyone considering going back to school is to take the leap! Hard work will pay off and there are organizations such as the Michael Benny Foundation that will help you reach your goals.

I feel so grateful to have received this award. Thank you for the generosity and support!

I am forever grateful to the Michael Benny Foundation for providing me with this award.

I have been in the construction industry for 15 years, my love for the industry, and my desire to advance my career brought me to Sait to pursue Civil Engineering Technology. I completed my course work during my off season. This was financially challenging and always caused me stress as I had the responsibility of looking after my family. Receiving this award was an extraordinary help and offered me significant relief. A huge thank you goes to The Michael Benny Foundation, from myself and family!

I would like to encourage anyone who is considering education, to pursue it, work hard, and foundations like the Michael Benny Foundation will be there to support you.

Hello, and more importantly, Thank you!

I feel beyond grateful to have received this award, and it really made my heart full knowing that there are groups out there that want to support the studies of others. When I found out I had won this award, it was a surprise and it made me remember why I worked so hard towards my goals of eventually getting my C.E.T designation.

Since going back to school as a mature student, there has been a lot of craziness that might have made a person think twice about choosing this path, but I am so glad I made this choice and have stuck with it and pushed to make it the best experience.

I can honestly say that I feel I have made a good impression on my two young kids for the need to work hard and do the things that seem challenging or scary at first. The program has been so rewarding and this award was an unexpected boost to help me into my future career. Thank you for the support!

I am originally from Jasper, Alberta, but relocated to Calgary in the fall of 2019 to study at SAIT where I have just recently completed a Civil Engineering Technology diploma.

Prior to studying at SAIT, I had worked as both a trail crew labourer and apprentice carpenter. These experiences made me develop a passion for construction, which led me to decide to return to school and pursue a Civil Engineering Technologist designation.

The scholarship came at a time when money had become very tight, as I had been in school for nearly two years. This eased my financial burden, and allowed me to focus on my studies towards the end of the semester, and also prepare for job hunting once I had graduated.

I would like to thank the Michael Benny Foundation for providing me financial peace of mind at a critical stage in both my studies and the start of my career. I sincerely hope future students will benefit from this amazing scholarship opportunity like I have.

It is an honour to receive an award from a foundation that supports initiatives in animal welfare. As I have progressed through the civil engineering program, I have been attracted to environmental topics and how we can use civil engineering to preserve natural habitats such as wetlands.
Receiving this award has allowed me to continue my studies in pursuit of an engineering degree wherein I hope to further my knowledge on environmental topics that can have a positive effect in the real world once graduated, specifically how we can continue to build infrastructure while minimizing the negative effects on wildlife.
The Michael Benny foundations generosity will allow me to pursue this endeavour. I am forever thankful to the Michael Benny foundation for their support.

Living in Calgary, I have grown up watching the city expand and develop. Now that I have completed my program I can actually get involved and contribute.

The Michael Benny Foundation scholarship has been a huge boost providing financial help to get started with my career. Job opportunities have been very limited given the current COVID-19 pandemic, and I have not managed to move from my retail job to an entry level position in my new industry yet. But because of the scholarship, I have been able to register for some online courses that will further my training and deepen my resume, so I am more prepared for my new career. I have also used some of the funds to move into a new apartment with an office space.

I cannot thank the Michael Benny Foundation enough for this scholarship as it has helped me so much during such a tough time.

I have always been interested in construction. I like working with my hands and enjoy the satisfaction of building things. SAIT’s Civil Engineering Technology program taught me a great variety of skills and knowledge that provide a broad understanding of the construction industry.

Being awarded the Michael Benny Foundation scholarship allowed me to focus entirely on my studies with no need to get a part-time job. I was also able to participate in extra-curricular activities like the Civil Engineering Technology Student Club. Overall, I got more out of my education and was able to give back more to my fellow students because of the financial gift of this scholarship.

My advice to students or prospective students is that hard work and determination towards your studies, as well as an active involvement in extra-curricular activities and volunteering, is deeply rewarding. Organizations like the Michael Benny Foundation recognize this determination.

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